Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Vol. 2, No. 221, August 9, 2017

2221 - Let's Pretend.

Today's project, "Spider in the Snow" was inspired by my morning adventures. Everyday is an adventure when you are hanging out with young kids, but today was particularly awesome.

This morning Littlest Miller went into the bathroom and started screaming "Aww spider! There's a spider in here!" I went to investigate and didn't find said spider. So I told her it would be okay. She asked, "it was just acting to pretend to be a spider?" I agreed because that was easier than trying to find and dispose of the spider.

After the spider incident, Littlest Miller went to play on the porch. A little while later, she came back in wearing winter boots, hat, and mittens. "We're pretending it's a snowing on the porch." I told her that was fine as long as the snow stays on the porch. She went back to the porch and in a serious voice told the others that the snow has to stay on the porch.

I knew right away that today's project would be a spider, however it took a couple tries and a google search to get it right.

I was working at the dining room table while playing cards with my siblings. I had out 3 bags of chocolate chips (all different sizes) and a square marshmallow. In my first attempt, I just laid the chocolate chips on top of the marshmallow, but the chips closest to the edge kept falling off. The spider wasn't quite right anyways, so I took all of the chips off to try again.

This time, I began by licking the top of the marshmallow, making sure the powdery coating was dissolved and the surface was sticky. As I licked, my brother stared at me, giving me a concerned look. My response was "Why are you looking at me like that? All great artists lick their work!"

After a google search I realized what I was missing was the head, so I tried again, and created a decent chocolate chip spider.

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