Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 304, October 31, 2018

3304 - But Wait...There’s More.

DAY 31
Share one thing you learned from this challenge?

I kind of did this yesterday, but why not do it again. One thing that I learned is that redo’s are an important part of becoming a great artist. You look at your art and decide what is great and what could be better and then you make it better. The process on analyzing helps you to better understand yourself and you work. Today I sort of did a redo of my Mondrian collage. This time, instead of a collage,  it is a drawing. My analysis wasn’t so much about how to improve, but rather how to make the project work for a different set of students.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 303, October 30, 2018

3303 - Crossing The Finish Line.

DAY 30
Make a trophy to celebrate your efforts during this month!

My trophy is the pumpkin that I made at a needle felting class earlier this month. While my trophy may not look like a traditional trophy, it represents all of the new things I tried this month, including needle felting, paint pouring, light drawing, large scale coffee painting, and miniature painting. I produced some projects that are or will soon be trash, but I also produced some of my all time favorite projects.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 302, October 29, 2018

3302 - Rainbow Connection.

DAY 29
 Create a rainbow.

Today was a work day at school, getting ready for second quarter. The first project for my 6th grade students will be to make a Northern Lights drawing. The Northern Lights are kind of like the rainbows of the night, so I decided to make a quick example.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 301, October 28, 2018

3301 - Do Over.

DAY 28

Who said there are no second chances? Pick any of your previous creations from this month and rework or revise it!

As soon as I posted my mask project last night, I knew I wanted a do over and I really wanted to help Oldest Miller with her mask. When I read today's prompt, I couldn't believe my luck. Right after breakfast...around 10:30 A.M...Oldest Miller and I got started. I suggested making paper masks, but she had her mind set on using a milk carton. I did the cutting and she did the painting. We only had 2 colors of acrylic paint available so we mixed in some puff paint as well. As Oldest Miller painted her mask, I worked on a mask for Littlest Miller who was sitting close by wanting to get in on the action. Littlest Miller's mask is a peacock. I did the cutting and most of the painting, but she helped with some of the design and painted the beak.

As we finished, Littlest Miller said that she wanted to be a peacock for Halloween and asked me if I was going to be a bird too. I told her that I was going to be a witch, so she decided that she would be my pet bird. We'll have to take a picture together if that is what she actual decides to do.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 300, October 27, 2018

3300 - Masked.

DAY 27

Create a mask.

Bonus: get a picture of yourself wearing it in public!

This morning Oldest Miller asked what my project was going to be; when I told her I need to make a mask, she got really excited because that was her homework for the weekend as well. She had some chores to do before we could work, but she choose to have a nap instead of doing chores, and we ran out of time to do art together. Therefore, I needed to find some other way to complete my project. I went movie with friends tonight, and brought with coffee filters to use as popcorn bowls. When I was finished with my popcorn, I used by “bowl” to make my mask, but ripping slits or the eyes and mouth, and then rolling the edges to make them open. As to not be rude during the movie, I waited until I was home to take the picture. Turns out I didn't get everything lined up correctly.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 299, October 26, 2018

3299 - Add It Up.

DAY 26

Make a chart or a graph of something you wouldn't typically explain in this format.

It took me a long time to figure what to do for today's project. Then it hit me; today was the last day of the first quarter. So I used my 6th Grade collaborative murals to create a chart depicting the progression of the school year. Starting with just a vase and filling to having approximately 70 flowers per vase. I would have liked to include 4 stages, but apparently I didn't take pictures after the first groups added their flowers.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 298, October 25, 2018

3298 - One For The Books.

DAY 25
What happened today in history? Create something inspired by what you learn.

To prep for today’s project,  I hopped online and googled “On This Day”. The first article to pop up was Picasso’s Birthday. Being an art teacher, this seemed like an obvious choice. I didn’t know what I to make though, so I searched again, this time looking for some subject matter. That’s when I found out that today marks 73rd anniversary of Jackson Pollock’s marriage to Lee Krasner. I prefer Pollock over Picasso, so I completely changed my plan. I pulled out some tempera paint, mixed in a little water and then used droppers to fling paint across my black paper. I decided to create a bride and groom on a sunny day with a large bouquet of roses. Not as abstract as Pollock’s paintings, but it was still fun to make.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 297, October 24, 2018

3297 - Smallsville.

DAY 24
Create a miniature landscape.

I was excited when I read todays prompt and couldn’t wait to get started. I created a mini pointillism landscape with a Sharpie. Then I colored it in with watercolors. The landscape is about the size of a Fifty Cent Piece. I may make a whole series of mini landscapes and then frame them together for the county fair.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 296, October 23, 2018

3296 - In Plain Sight.

DAY 23

Camoflague something.

I needed a completed example of a lettering worksheet for my 7th graders. It takes a long time to draw one letter 100 different ways, therefore, I didn't have time to do another project. Fortunately for me, in some of the R's are camouflaged and hard to see amidst the details.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 295, October 22, 2018

3295 - Going Public.

DAY 21

Make something in a public place and leave it there for someone else to find.

I considered doing this project at work as I work in a public school, instead I waited until I got to play practice which is held at Bernie Aaker Auditorium, a public building in town. During rehearsal, I drew some Zentangle designs on the back of one of the mini postcards advertising the show. When I was finished, I hung the postcard on the announcement bulletin board in the lobby.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 294, October 21, 2018

3294 - Selling It.

DAY 21

Create an advertisement for something you can't typically buy.

Today turned out to be Set Work Sunday. Who wants to purchase the front interior facade of a two-story English Manor. As an added bonus, I will throw in a bar and lots of sets of wooden books. Want to preview before buying? Preview tickets are available for only $6. Previews will happen November 1, 2, and 3 at 7pm, and November 4 at 2pm. Get your preview tickets by calling Litchfield High School at 320-693-2424 x 4318.

Vol. 3, No. 293, October 20, 2018

3293 - A New Thing.

DAY 20

Take something apart and put it back together in a new way.

I had a great idea for today's project, but then time got away from me so I had to scamper to get something made last minute. I had an assortment of remotes in front of me, so I "took them apart" which is code to took out the batteries and made a person. The hardest part of this project was putting the remotes back together again when I was finished.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 292, October 19, 2018

3292 - Buddy System.

DAY 19

Collaborate with another Creative Sprint-er, today.

Today was yet another Set Work Saturday (I mean Friday), which meant that I participated in a lot of collaboration, but since today’s prompt was to collaborate with a fellow Sprinter, I needed to go further. When I was on the Creative Sprint Facebook page this morning, I saw that Ariel Sublett, a fellow Sprinter had posted a starter, “What’s in my cup?” Ariel’s post was a pic of an empty coffee cup. I decided to fill the cup with “Set Work Coffee”.When set work was finished for the day, I snapped a few pics of the work that was done. Then I created a collage of these photos, and modified it to create a more sepia tone and a swirl, giving a sort of coffee look. I then edited the photos, merging them together.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 291, October 18, 2018

3291 - Child’s Play.

DAY 18

Recreate a favorite childhood toy or game.

While at the theater for today’s 7 hour rehearsal, I was given a bag of glass beads that reminded me of the beans inside of a Beanie Baby, which I had a lot of growing up. I decided to use these beads to recreate one of my favorite childhood toys, a SkyDancer. My SkyDancer rode on a swan, so I tried to recreate that as well.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 290, October 17, 2018

3290 - Imitation Game.

DAY 17

Create something in the style of an artist whose work you admire.

This prompt lined up well with my curriculum as my Kindergarterners just started a project using lines and shapes to create collages in the style of Piet Mondrian. While Piete Mondrian isn’t my favorite artist, I decided to keep it simple and use the example that I made in class for my project.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 289, October 16, 2018

3289 - Teachers Rule.

DAY 16

Make something that reminds you of a teacher who inspired you.

Bonus: Give it to them!

One teacher who has inspired me is Mr. Gerry Kulzer. Mr. Kulzer was my high school teacher and even though he tried to convince me that I could become a great art teacher without becoming a Bennie and paying a ton for tuition, he helped me put together my art portfolio when I was applying for scholarships. Little did I know that 8 years and a TON of money spent on tuition later, he would become my colleague. In fact, he was responsible for me landing that job in the first place.

Gerry and I co-taught Jr. High and Sr. High art at Holy Trinity for 3 years. I learned a lot from Gerry during that time, which helped me to grow and have the confidence to tackle my own Middle School art classes. Even though we are no longer co-workers, I still check back to Gerry’s website on regular basis to pull lesson ideas for my students.

Our classroom at HT and Gerry’s classroom at his other school are still “old school” and have chalk boards. So, this month, Gerry is doing ‘Chalktober”, in which he creates a chalk drawing every day. One of my favorites so far was of a rose, so I decided to make my own chalk drawing today. Unfortunately, my classrooms only have dry erase boards, and I actually had to look really hard to find some white chalk. Instead of drawing on a chalkboard, I had to make do with a piece of black tag board.

I guess all that is left to say is Thank You Gerry! You continue to inspire me to be a great teacher and a great artist. I will keep practicing so that one day, my rose can be as good as yours.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 288, October 15, 2018

3288 - Pattern Recognition.

DAY 15

Incorporate repetition or pattern into whatever you make today.

It was very convienent that tomorrow my 8th graders will be starting a Zentangle drawing project an I needed/wanted to make an example. The whole concept of Zentangle is repetition and patterns. The next step of this project is to color the patterns within the circle. Then cut out the entire splot and glue it to another Zentangle background, but it is late and I am exhausted, so I till have to wait.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 287, October 14, 2018

3287 - Waste Not.

DAY 14

Make something out of things you would normally throw away.

I realize I just did this project a couple weeks ago, but as I was making coffee tonight to put in the fridge for my iced coffees this week, I realized that I normally just throw away the used coffee filter and grounds. So, instead of tossing them in the trash, I used them as my paint. There are many aspects that I like better than the last one, like how I was able to get the coffee darker. However, I like the table top better in the first one; maybe I’ll have to try again sometime. Tonight’s painting is on a 11” x 14” paper rather than 5” x 7” like last time; I stuck with the square picture, mostly cutting off the wall.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 286, October 13, 2018

3286 - Pocket Full.

DAY 13

Make something using only the contents of your pocket, wallet, purse or bag.

It was another Set Work Saturday, which meant I was wearing one of my painting aprons, which meant I had pockets full of lots of random things. Today I had 3 or 4 pairs of used latex gloves (I may have stockpiled them for the project), a small tape ball, and earplugs. I really do 't know why the earplugs were on there, but they worked to make a turkey beak, with the gloves for the feathers and the tape as part of the head. I realize it's not perfect, but after 9 hours of set work with 15 high schoolers, my creativity (and ability to care) was burned out.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 285, October 12, 2018

3285 - Eye See You.

DAY 12

Add eyes to an inanimate object. 

I opted for quick and simple today. When I arrived at the Elementary School, I had a couple minutes before my first class arrived, so I drew two ovals on the white board and put a magnet in each one for pupils. I drew in eyebrows and a couple finger tips grasping at the edge to make it more fun. Unfortunately none of my students noticed.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 284, October 11, 2018

3284 - Oops.

DAY 11

Spill something and create something from the mess. 

I read today’s prompt as I was getting ready this morning, and then I sort of forgot about it. Thsat is until I was in my second class of the afternoon. In first grade, we were doing color experiments. Ther first was mixing food coloring in water. As I swirled the cup around, some colored water splashed out and on to the floor mats at my feet. Seeing the awesome splat on the ground reminded me of the prompt and inspired me to use the dyed water for my project. So, after the students were going for the day and I was cleaning up, I put a piece of paper in the sink and poured a splash of water on it. This paper splash wasn’t as cool as the one on the floor, but It would have to do. When the paper was dry, I used a sharpie to find a fun shape, a little fish guy with puckered lips, blowing out some hot Air. The water I poured on my paper was a mixture of purple, orange and green. It was supposed to be black, but I looked more green; apparently my colors didn’t have enough red. Anyways...I thought that it was interesting that the water dried both green and orange on my paper. (Unfortunately the colors were too light to show up very well in the picture. I adjusted the saturation in this photo.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 283, October 10, 2018

3283 - Super You.

DAY 10
If you were a superhero what would your name and super power be?

Bonus: Show is super you in action!

Today I really wished I had more time. I got plenty of sleep last night, which left me with plenty of energy to get things done today, however, I ran out of time to get it all done. Therefore, if I had one super power it would be lightning fast speed, like the Flash. If I was faster, I could not only accomplish more things in a shorter amount of time, but I would greatly reduce my commute time! This picture shows my 30 second continous contour line drawing on my Crayola Glow Station. I didn't choose a name for my superhero, but I drew myself (in my superhero cape) flying on my super paintbrush at lightning fast speeds.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 282, October 9, 2018

3282 - Shoesday.

Incorporate shoes into what you create today.

As soon as I read the prompt, I knew what I was going to do. My first graders are finishing up their shape collages, and I wanted an example of an object rather than a scene. A shoe was a perfect idea. I decided to make a purple shoe, using mostly ovals and triangles, with a few other shapes thrown in for good measure. The shape of the shoe is a little weird, but overall, I like how it turned out.

Vol. 3, No. 281, October 8, 2018

3281 - Motivation Monday.


Create a greeting card for an unspecial occasion.

Bonus: Send it to someone!

It's Monday, so I made a Happy Monday card. I was going to drop it in a co-workers mailbox, but by time I was finished, the school day was over. This meant there was a very small chance they would check their mail before they left for the day, and a Happy Monday card on a Tuesday doesn't really make any sense. Therefore I decided to wait until after school on Friday to place the card, then the recipient will most likely get it on Monday. The card is going to be left anonymously.

The card is a little boring, but it works.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 280, October 7, 2018

3280 - It’s A Bird.


Look up. Create something inspired by what you see.

I ate both breakfast and supper at church today, which meant that I got to spend a lot of time time under the bright fluorescent lights. After supper, while I was suppose to be setting a good example as a Confirmation Sponsor, I may have zoned out and sketched instead of really listening. I sketched one of the light pannels, giving it some shading to create a slight three-dimensional look.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 279, October 6, 2018

3279 - Don't Get Hangry.

Create a face from the food leftover on your plate after a meal. Can you make it express how you are feeling, today?

Bonus: Invite other people to join you and take turns guessing the food face emotions!

Today my Cousin Kristina got married, so I decided it would be fun to save my project for the reception. The problem with that was I nearly forgot. Fortunately I remembered before the dishes were cleared, and Rebecca had leftovers. I built the face on a cupcake wrapper. The hair was mashed potatoes, eyes were green peppers, the nose was a tomato, and the mouth was shredded beef. When I was finished, I was looking at it and decided it looked like a little, old, Irish man wearing

Vol. 3, No. 278, October 5, 2018

3278 - Happy Wandering.

Take a 5-minute walk in a direction you normally wouldn't go. Make something with what you find wherever you end up.

Bonus: Invite someone to wander with you and create something together.

Centeral Minnesota experienced a lovely cold drizzle for most of the day, so I was not about to venture outside for a 5 minute walk. Instead, I decided to keep it simple, and I created a shape collage depicting a house similar to one I may have found if I had gone on a walk.
Bonus for me, the collage was an example for my 1st graders.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 277, October 4, 2018

3277 - Judging A Book.

What would the cover of your autobiography look lilke?

Okay, so this may not be the most creative thing I’ve ever done, but I decided to keep it simple today. My cousin is getting married on Saturday and there was a large box that needed to be wrapped. Yes, I considered gifting it unwrapped, but my sister convinced me other wise. So together, we wrapped the gift in a simple, yet elegant way...brown paper with a big red bow. The ribbon and bow were essential as the paper had to be pieced together in order to fit the box.

Now you are wondering how this ties into today’s challenge. Well, I thought a book cover with this picture would be quite intriguing. I considered adding a title, but it is more mysterious this way.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 276, October 3, 2018

3276 - Living Color.

Close your eyes for the count of three. What is the first color you notice when you open your eyes? Create a monochromatic collage or sculpture using only items of this color.

I completed this challenge in my elementary classroom. My Classroom is a burst of rainbow colors, however one color seems to stand out more than the others. That color is blue. In addition to all of the blue in my color coordinated tables, bins, and supplies, I have blue chairs. The blue chairs always seem to throw me for a loop when I am dismissing tables; I will look at the chairs and say blue table, even if I mean a different color.

It was no surprise that the first color I saw was blue. I decided I would paint, so I pulled out some blue, black and white, so that I could make tints and shades. I put a squirt of each color on a plate and grabbed my brush. The blue was really runny and as soon as it touched the black and white, the colors started to mix in the most memorizing way. I did do some painting, causing the colors to mix more. However when I was finished with my painting, I started playing with the paint plate some more and decided I liked what was happening on the plate more than the actual painting. I began photographing paint as it swirled around the plate. I then made a photographic collage of all of the pictures.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 275, October 2, 2018

3275 - One And Only.

When ever prompted to make something inspired by my name, I make a rose. Today, I decided to use the mini scarf that I knit yesterday. The result as a mini rose. I didn't have any green thread, so I used white and colored it with Sharpie.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Vol. 3, No. 274, October 1, 2018

3274 - Small Is Beautiful.

Make something that fits in the palm of your hand using only the materials in your immediate environment. 

Today was the start of the October 2018 Creative Sprint. This Sprint started the way all Creative Sprints do, small. I may have cheated a little bit and went on a slight hunt for my supplies. I had seen mini knitting on Pinterest and couldn't get over the cuteness of it, so I made a special trip to my parent's house to gather the necessary supplies from  my craft stash. Using embroidery floss and toothpicks, I created mini scarf, using mini knitting needles and a mini ball of "yarn". It may have been putzy, but it sure is cute.